(All patients have given consent for their photographs to be presented online. Please note that photographs are taken at different stages of healing. Individual results may vary.)
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Implant Exchange with Breast Lift
Implant Removal with Breast Lift

Our patient in her late 20’s wanted larger and fuller breasts. We placed 385 cc high profile silicone implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is roughly 6 months after surgery.

Our patient in her late 20’s wanted more fullness in her breasts. We placed 505 cc high profile silicone implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 6 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 40’s wanted larger and fuller breasts. We placed 285 cc smooth round, extra high profile (Natrelle SRX) silicone implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 6 weeks after surgery.
She also had a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) for her Mommy Makeover.

Our patient in her 20’s wanted larger and fuller breasts. We placed 445 cc smooth round, extra high profile silicone implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 3 months after surgery.
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Our patient in her 40’s had a deflated right saline breast implant and a malpositioned left saline breast implant that had dropped too low. We fixed the implant position on both sides by repairing the breast capsule. Then we switched the saline breast implants to 545cc smooth round, extra high profile, (Natrelle SCX) silicone implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 6 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 40’s had a ruptured right breast implant. We first switched out the left saline implant and replaced it with a 750cc smooth, round, extra high profile, (Natrelle SSX) silicone implant. Then, we removed the ruptured right saline implant, fixed the capsule, and replaced it with a 700cc implant underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 1 month after surgery!

Our patient in her 30’s had a ruptured and deflated left saline breast implant. We removed her old implants (575 cc overfilled to 650 cc saline) and replaced them with 700 cc smooth, extra round (SRX) silicone implants. This was done underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. Here she is 1 month after surgery!

Our patient in her 50’s had a capsule contracture and desired to replace her implants. We performed a left capsulectomy to treat the contracture and removed her old implants (420 cc saline) and replaced them with 495 cc smooth, extra round (SRX) silicone implants. This was done underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. Here she is about 1 month after surgery!

Our patient in her 30’s previously had a breast augmentation but had some issues and got them removed with a breast lift at the same time. She desired having implants again so we performed a breast augmentation with 340 cc implants underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is around almost 3 months after surgery!
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Learn More about Breast Implant Revision
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Our patient in her 40’s wanted fuller, perkier breasts, especially after the sagging caused by having kids. We performed a mastopexy augmentation for her, giving her 240cc SRM silicone breast implants as well as a Wise-pattern, anchor scar breast lift. This is 3 months after surgery, and she couldn’t be happier with her results!

Our patient in her 30’s disliked her sagging breasts. She wanted to lift her nipples and fill her breast volume. We performed a mastopexy augmentation with 345 cc smooth round, medium profile (SRF) silicone breast implants and gave her a wise-pattern, anchor scar breast lift. This is 8 months after surgery!

Our patient in her 30’s disliked her sagging and deflated breasts after multiple pregnancies with breastfeeding. We placed 310cc smooth round moderate profile silicone implants underneath the muscle in each breast. We then performed a wise-pattern (anchor type) breast lift. This is 8 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 30’s complained that her breasts were deflated and sagging after having kids. We placed 255cc smooth round moderate profile (Natrelle SRM) silicone implants and then performed a Wise-pattern (anchor type) breast lift to make her breasts perkier. This is 5 months after surgery.
She also had liposuction of the flanks and a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) to complete her Mommy Makeover transformation!
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Learn More about Mastopexy-Augmentation (Breast Lift with Implants)
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Our patient in her 40’s disliked the oblong shape of her breasts along with the ptotic (sagging) nipples after a breast augmentation 15 years ago. We performed a breast implant exchange with a breast lift to correct the shape of her breasts. We removed her old 380 cc saline implants and replaced them with 365 cc smooth, round, full profile gummy bear implants. Here she is around 2 months after surgery!

Our patient in her early 30’s experienced saggy breasts, sagging nipples, ruptured implants, and capsular contracture after a Breast Augmentation 14 years prior. We performed a Breast Implant Exchange, replacing her old 400 cc saline implants with 415 cc moderate profile, gummy bear implants. We also performed a Breast Lift to keep her breasts perky after surgery. This is almost 7 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 30’s experienced droopy breasts from a previous breast augmentation and lift 12 years prior. We performed a Breast Implant Exchange, replacing her old 425 cc saline implants with 435 cc moderate profile gummy bear implants. We also performed a Breast Lift to keep her breasts perky after surgery. This is almost 3 months after surgery.

Our patient in her late 40’s previously had a breast augmentation with a breast lift 8 years prior but over time, her breasts sagged and one implant ruptured. We performed an Implant Exchange and replaced her old 650 cc saline implants with 455 cc moderate profile silicone implants. We then performed a Breast Lift to keep her breasts nice and perky. This is 3 months after surgery.
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Learn More about Breast Implant Exchange or Breast Lift
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Our patient in her 30’s disliked her sagging and uneven breasts as well as the loose and bulging tummy. We performed a Wise-pattern (anchor-pattern) breast lift (mastopexy) to give her perkier breasts and a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) with liposuction of the flanks to flatten her stomach. This is roughly 6 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 40’s disliked the sagging skin on her breasts and tummy. We gave her a Mommy Makeover and performed a breast lift without implants (Mastopexy) to lift her sagging and deflated breasts, using her natural tissue to create fullness as if implants were used. We also performed a Tummy Tuck to take out the excess loose skin and tighten her abdomen. This is 3 months after surgery.

Our patient in her 30’s wanted to lift her sagging breast tissue and even her breasts out. We performed a breast lift (mastopexy), using internal bra sutures to have her breasts stay full and lifted. This is roughly 2 months after surgery.

Our patient in her 20’s was unhappy with her asymmetric and sagging breasts. Her condition is also known as “tuberous breast” deformity with some overgrowth (hypertrophy) of the right breast. She desired fuller and perkier breasts, so we planned to help her in two stages. For the first stage, we performed a breast lift (mastopexy) with a right breast reduction. This is 6 months after surgery. For the second stage, we performed a breast augmentation next to help fill up the volume shown here.
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Learn More about Breast Lift without Implants (Mastopexy)

Our patient in her 30’s suffered from back pain and neck pain for years due to her enlarged breasts (macromastia). Additionally, she experienced recurring rashes within her breast and abdominal folds. We performed a Breast Reduction, reducing her breasts by 1,009g on the right side and 948g on the left side and then lifted them. We also gave her a Tummy Tuck with Liposuction, removing a total of 2,434g of tissue from her abdomen to flatten her stomach. This is roughly 2 months after surgery.

Our patient in her late teens suffered from back and neck pain due to her enlarged breasts (macromastia) experiencing difficulty with several bra types and working out. We reduced them by over 600g on the left breast and 500g on the right breast and lifted them. This is roughly 2 months after surgery.

Our patient in her 20’s experienced back and neck pain because her breasts were heavy with extra tissue. We gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with a Partial Reduction (261 grams of breast tissue taken from the left and 597 grams of breast tissue taken from the right) to reduce and even out the size of her breasts and give her a lift. This is almost 6 months after surgery!

Our patient in her 50’s disliked the excess, sagging skin and tissue on her breasts. We gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with a Reduction to lift her sagging breasts and take out extra tissue to even out both (840 grams taken from the left side and 697 grams taken out from the right). This is a little over 3 months after surgery!

Our patient in her 30’s disliked her bulging tummy and wanted to reduce the size of her enlarged breasts (macromastia) due to the back, neck, and shoulder pain they gave her. We performed a Breast Reduction, taking off almost 3,000g on the right breast and 2,600g on the left breast. 5 months later, we performed a Tummy Tuck without Liposuction to excise the extra tissue from her abdomen and tighten up the area. She is shown here 1.5 years after her Breast Reduction and 1 year after her Tummy Tuck.
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Learn More about Breast Reduction
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Our patient in her 50’s had a ruptured and deflated left saline breast implant. We removed her old implants (270cc saline implant overfilled to 300cc) and replaced them with 395 cc extra high profile silicone implants. This was done underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. Here she is 2 months after surgery!

Our patient in her 40’s wanted to replace her 325 cc saline implants with bigger, silicone implants. We removed and replaced the right breast implant with a 470 cc SRM silicone implant and the left breast implant with a 445 cc SRM silicone implant underneath the muscle through an incision in the inframammary fold. This is 1 month after surgery!

Our patient in her 40’s no longer wanted to keep her breast implants and wanted them taken out. We performed an Explant Surgery and took out her 400cc silicone implants. We also gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy), using internal bra sutures to lift the sagging tissue that was left behind. 4 months later, our patient returned and we performed a Brazilian Butt Lift with Liposuction 360 to improve the contour of her overall body. This is 6 months after her Explant and Breast Lift Surgery and 2 months after her Brazilian Butt Lift with Liposuction 360!

Our patient in her 30’s disliked her how her breasts sagged and wanted to get rid of her breast implants. We performed an Explant Surgery and took out her 400 cc silicone implants (that were placed over the muscle). We also gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with internal bra sutures to lift her sagging breast tissue and keep her breasts perky. This is 6 weeks after surgery!

Our patient in her 40’s desired to take out her breast implants but also address her sagging breasts. We performed an Explant Surgery and took out her 425 cc saline implants and also gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with internal bra sutures to lift her sagging breast tissue. This is 3 months after surgery!

Our patient in her 50’s disliked her how her breasts sagged and wanted to get rid of her breast implants. We performed an Explant Surgery and took out her 400 cc saline implants. We also gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with internal bra sutures to lift her sagging breast tissue and keep her breasts perky. This is 3 months after surgery!

Our patient in her early 40’s desired to take out her breast implants but also address her sagging breasts. We performed an Explant Surgery and took out her 375 cc saline implants and also gave her a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) with internal bra sutures to lift her sagging breast tissue. This is 3 months after surgery!
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Learn More about Breast Implant Removal Surgery
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Our patient in her late 20’s no longer wanted to keep her breast implants from a Breast Augmentation 8 years prior and wanted them taken out. We performed an Explant Surgery without a breast lift and took out her 390 cc saline implants. We also performed an En Bloc Capsulectomy to completely take out the capsules that formed around her implants in one piece. This is 11 weeks after her Explant Surgery!
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Learn More about Breast Implant Removal Surgery
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Our patient in his teens had gynecomastia (male breast tissue) on the right chest only. We removed it with direct excision of the gynecomastia tissue. This is 6 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in his 30’s had gynecomastia (male breast tissue) on both sides of his chest that he wanted removed. We removed it with direct excision of the gynecomastia tissue. Additionally, we also performed liposuction on the abdomen, back, and flanks and etched out his abs. This is 4 months after surgery.

Our patient in his 20’s had gynecomastia (male breast tissue). We removed it with direct excision of the gynecomastia tissue with liposuction. This is almost 2 months after surgery.

Our patient in his 30’s had gynecomastia (male breast tissue) on both sides of his chest. We directly excised the gynecomastia tissue. This is 3 months after surgery. His incisions will continue to heal and lighten over time.
(The hearts are only meant to cover patient tattoos.)

Our patient in his 30’s had gynecomastia (male breast tissue) on both sides of his chest that he wanted removed. We removed it with direct excision of the gynecomastia tissue. This is 4 months after surgery.
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Learn More about Gynecomastia

Our patient in her 30’s disliked how large her nipples were. We performed a Bilateral Nipple Reduction and excised the extra tissue from both of her nipples. This is 1 week after surgery.

Our patient in his 50’s disliked the size of his nipples and the discomfort they gave him. We performed a Bilateral Nipple Reduction and excised the extra tissue from both of his nipples. This is 6 weeks after surgery.

Our patient in her 40’s disliked how large her nipples were. We performed a Bilateral Nipple Reduction and excised the extra tissue from both of her nipples. This is 3 months after surgery.
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Learn more about Nipple Reduction

Our patient in his 50’s experience discomfort with his nipples having excessive tissue and rubbing against clothing. We performed a nipple amputation to remove the hypertrophic nipple tissue while keeping the areola in tact. This is 1.5 months after surgery.
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