To All of Our Amazing Patients,
Many of you have been anxiously awaiting our reopening, and we wanted to inform you about the process we are implementing to make sure we protect both you and our staff.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been handled well in California (and specifically Orange County) due to the Stay-At-Home orders. Because people like you have been faithfully staying indoors, the curve has flattened and our local hospitals have not been overwhelmed with coronavirus cases.
Unfortunately, the coronavirus will not be going away anytime soon, and there is no effective vaccine in the horizon just yet. The best case scenario for the current situation is to slowly start moving back towards a new normal while taking precautions to make sure the curve stays as flat as possible to not overwhelm the hospital system.
Our local and regional situation can change for the worst if we try to resume life as it was too quickly. Therefore, it is important to constantly monitor the situation closely and make adjustments as needed.
Our office will be open to see a limited number of clinic patients starting May 1, 2020. They will also be spaced out to minimize the overlap and contact between patients. We will resume elective reconstructive surgeries now, and we plan to resume elective cosmetic surgeries on May 19, 2020.
We will constantly monitor the situation to determine when we can increase to full capacity again or if we will need to close our doors in the event of a COVID-19 surge in the area.
For an updated report of coronavirus statistics for Orange County, click here:
For a full list of the precautions we will enact to protect you as well as what you can do to protect yourself at our clinic, please click here.
As always, we make it a priority to ensure your safety. We pray for your health, and we hope to see you soon!
Dr. David Nguyen
& the Heavenly Plastic Surgery Team